What's New With the Orion TI-30XS Multiview™ Talking Scientific Calculator
American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
Revision History
Version 01.00.17
August 09, 2018
Issues resolved
- Fixed some units where decimal answers were not spoken correctly.
New Feature/Improvement/Enhancements
- Enhancements made to accommodate alternate hardware components.
Version 01.00.16
October 05, 2016
Issues resolved
- No sound while holding repeat with blank screen fixed.
- Not speaking some operations after leaving Data menu too quickly fixed.
New Feature/Improvement/Enhancements
Version 01.00.15
July 07, 2016
Issues resolved
- Not speaking while Delete key pressed in History screen fixed (APH redmine issue number #608).
- Speaking "Blank" while reviewing whole screen even though line is not blank fixed.
- Not speaking while Delete key pressed in Table screen of Data menu and Table menu fixed.
New Feature/Improvement/Enhancements
Version 01.00.14
May 30, 2016
Issues resolved
New Feature/Improvement/Enhancements
- Enhancements made to accommodate alternate hardware components.
Version 01.00.13
May 09, 2016
Issues resolved
- List formula having inconsistent speech behavior fixed. Previously it was repeating the whole formula when editing the formula rather than speaking the edited part.
- After Review, Delete key not speaking right fixed.
- Changes made in Review mode to not spell "blank."
- Ticks not being spoken in Table menu fixed.
- Delete key now says "blank" when pressed for a blank line result. Previously it said nothing.
- Improved the latency for the Delete operation.
- Improved the latency for Battery level announcement operation.
New Features
Version 1.00.12
Febuary 2016
New Features, Improvements, and Enhancements
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